Wednesday 29 April 2009

Tuesday 20 May 2008

A New Beginning....

Now to the allotment part.

A few months ago our local newsletter came through the letterbox. On the front page was an article about growing your own fruit and vegetables, and the date of a meeting for anyone interested. I went along, dragging my youngest daughter with me. There were a few people interested in having an allotment, and a lot of people from various organisations giving advice and promising us grants once we got going, hurray!

Several meetings down the line the Wemyss Allotment Association was born, complete with steering group to get things running and yours truly as the unwilling Chair. I'd be much happier taking a back seat but we're a very small group so I guess I can cope.

We've identified a site - virtually outside my front door, yay - the land belongs to the council so we should get it. All we have to do now is wait until the next planning meeting in the autumn.

Hopefully by next summer I'll be digging my socks off

In The Beginning

I suppose my first ever blog should cover running first, allotments second so here goes.

I started running when I was 39. Actually, that statement is rubbish - I started running when I was 39, less than a minute later I discovered the joys of wheezing and aching legs! To say my first attempt was embarrassing is an understatement. Run for one minute, walk for three, and repeat four times sounds easy but don't be fooled!!! Luckily my old school motto is 'Perseverando' so I persevered and after a month was running for two minutes, wow, I'm an athlete, lol.

To keep the momentum going I entered a 10 mile race, with four months to train even I could do it. March 2005 saw me filled with nerves and determination and I walked and ran for 1 hour 44 minutes and 40 seconds. I was so proud when I finished.

Since then I've completed 39 more races, I'll never win one but I love the feeling of belonging to the running community, being part of a bigger whole.